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Septic Systems

Septic Tanks.

Septic systems are one version of sewage disposal and they rely on the soil to absorb and disperse your wastewater. They are designed to keep effluent underground and to filter wastewater before it reaches groundwater, streams or lakes.

To ensure efficient operation of the entire system it is important that the sludge, scum, and solids which accumulate in the tank do not enter the tile field. It is therefore important to have have your septic system inspected by a licened professional once every two to four years. The tank should be pumped out when necessary, every three years is suggested for a residence of 4 people. 100% of collected waste is treated at a M.O.E. approved facility.

Septic System Information: Click on title below


The proper treatment and disposal of domestic sewage and wastewater is an integral component to our high standard of health and welfare. Today, sewage disposal is not something that most people living in rural areas think about. The Towns of Orangeville, Shelburne, Grand Valley, Dundalk and Alliston are serviced by public sewage treatment plants, thus reducing individual responsibility within that community. In the townships, all households are serviced by means of private septic systems.

A system that is overburdened or not properly maintained can be dangerous not only to your health, but may contaminate the surrounding natural environment. Regular maintence of a sewage system is cheaper than replacing a malfunctioning system.

Fundamentals of Private Sewage Disposal

The successul operation of your on-site private sewage disposal system depends basically on two variables: - the amount of sewage being produced and the soils to absorb the effluent.

An on-site private sewage system has two basic parts: a septic tank that receives the untreated sewaage from the house or building where solids settle out, and a leaching bed ( tile bed ) which the liquid waste portion of the sewage is dispersed into the soil.

The main function of the septic tank is to allow solids to settle and to let clear effluent flow to the tile bed. keeping it underground before it reaches groundwater, streams or lakes.

The Law Relating to Private Sewage Disposal

The standards for private sewage disposal systems in Ontario are legislated under the Environmental Protection Act, and are administered by the Onatrio Ministry of the Environment. Questions regarding the compliance of a particular system should be directed to the local Building department.

A Septic tank and tile bed should, with proper care and maintence provide many years of service.